Berlin, Day 3; Madame Tussauds

When we finished at Berlin Hohenschönhausen, we were able to do whatever we wanted in Berlin - so one of my classmates and I went to Madame Tussauds! It was my first time ever, visiting a Madame Tussauds, and I found it really awesome to actually see how well made some of these wax figures are made. Wow! Anyway, I just wanted to show you a FEW of the hundreds of pictures we took in there. You should definitely go there if you get the chance!

Da vi var færdige i Berlin Hohenschönhausen, fik vi lov til at gøre hvad vi nu end havde lyst til i Berlin - så en af mine klassekammerater og jeg, tog hen til Madame Tussauds! Det var første gang jeg nogensinde besøgte en Madame Tussauds, og jeg synes det var ret fedt at se hvor godt lavet nogle af de her voksfigurer var lavet! Wow! Nå, men jeg ville bare lige vise jer et PAR af de hundrede af billeder vi tog derinde. I burde virkelig tage derhen hvis I får chancen!


1 Amiee Whitney:

Bill looks like he's been stung by a wasp in the mouth and aww Will Smith has a Christmas tree! XD haha

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