Weird trends; Moon Boots

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A shoe trend I do not understand at all are these moon boots. Am I the only one thinking they’re absolutely hideous? Somehow they remind me a bit of the UGG trend – Except that these are way more hideous, which I didn’t really think was actually possible. I can understand why you’d wear them if you had to walk in the snow a lot, but to use them as a fashion element in your every day? No. I really don’t understand it. No no no – NO. 

En trend af sko som jeg bare overhovedet ikke forstår er de her ”moon boots”. Er jeg den eneste som bare synes at de er fuldstændige forfærdelige at kigge på? På en måde så minder de mig lidt om UGGs – Bortset fra at de her er ekstremt meget værre at kigge på, hvilket jeg egentlig ikke troede, var muligt. Jeg kan forstå hvis man skal ud på en lang gåtur i sneen for at holde fødderne varme, men at bruge dem i hverdagen? Nej, jeg forstår det simpelthen ikke. Nej nej nej – NEJ.


1 Ellie.:

They're probably really warm, but I agree with you. They're really ugly.

Svar: I think they're really warm too, but they are not very pretty at all, haha!

2 Deeb:

Totally uggly. EW

Svar: Thank you for agreeing! Haha!

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